Politics & Policy

Who Said It?

Can you tell the difference between John Kerry and Pat Buchanan?

Try determining which quotes are from John Kerry on the campaign trail and which are from Pat Buchanan’s magazine columns:

A) “Across America, the story is the same: steel and lumber mills going into bankruptcy; textile plants moving to the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and the Far East; auto plants closing and opening overseas; American mines being sealed and farms vanishing. Every month George Bush has been in office, America has lost manufacturing jobs. One in seven has vanished since his inauguration. In 1950, a third of our labor force was in manufacturing. Now, it is 12.5 percent. U.S. manufacturing is in a death spiral.”

B) “Fair trade means fairness for workers – not a free ride for those that break the rules. This administration has let foreign countries break the rules and walk all over us. Just look at what has happened at Delphi… They didn’t just send the jobs to China – they literally unbolted the equipment and sent our industrial might overseas. This isn’t how we’re supposed to do business in America. American corporations used to feel some sense of loyalty to their workers, their community, and their country. But too often that’s gone today. We can do better – if we have a president who is willing to stand up to foreign companies, stand up to foreign lobbyists – and fight for American jobs.”

C) “Too many working families feel like they are on a treadmill – working harder and harder just to make ends meet. They worry about how they’ll be able to pay the taxes, pay the bills and how they’ll ever pay for retirement… We’re not calling for redistribution – what we want is for average, middle class Americans who work hard to be able to get ahead just like their parents did. 20 years ago, the average CEO made 42 times what the average worker made. Now it’s 531 times more. It’s out of whack.”

D: “We are virtually friendless in Baghdad… Voters do not want to spend billions rebuilding Iraq when our states are cutting services and raising taxes.”

E: “They said that shipping American jobs overseas is good for America. Tell that to the middle class working people in Ohio and all across America who should be getting a shot at a better life, but instead are getting the shaft.”

F: “Middle class families feel they can’t catch a break. They’re getting battered by high taxes, high health care costs, high energy bills, high college tuitions, and a high cost of living that means they are working harder just to stay in place.”

G. “[President Bush]–to invade and occupy Iraq and oust Saddam–was willing to shatter alliances, alienate Arabs, Turks, French, Germans, and Russians, have his country pay the full cost of the war, and run the entire occupation ourselves.”

H. “This administration’s go-it-alone attitude has endangered our interests and enraged those who should be our friends. Nowhere is that clearer than in Iraq. The Bush administration has not just been unilateralist in war, but unilateralist in the ongoing guerilla struggle. And we have been paying too high a price–in dollars and the deaths of young Americans–to continue down this road.”

I. “Iraq, in retrospect, was no threat whatsoever to the United States. We fought an unnecessary war, and now we must rebuild a nation at a rising cost in blood and treasure.”

J. “Appoint a U.S. Trade Representative who is an American patriot and who will put American jobs first.”

A: Buchanan, The American Conservative, August 11, 2003 issue

B : Kerry, December 12, 2002, in Cleveland, Ohio;

C: Kerry, February 18, 2004, in Dayton, Ohio

D: Buchanan, The American Conservative, October 20, 2003 issue

E. Kerry, February 18, 2004 in Dayton, Ohio

F: Kerry, September 22, 2003, at the Detroit Economic Club

G. Buchanan, The American Conservative, July 28, 2003 issue

H. Kerry, December 16, 2003, Des Moines, Iowa

I. Buchanan, The American Conservative, June 30, 2003 issue

J. Kerry, September 22, 2003, at the Detroit Economic Club

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