Politics & Policy

The right judge, &c.

Dear friends: Been a while since I’ve written you (at least in this forum). What have I been doing? I’ve been a) meeting deadlines, b) communing with nature (roughly speaking — very roughly), and c) communing with golf courses. Sometimes cursing at them.

As for the nature bit, I will say merely this: The Upper Peninsula of Michigan (my home state) is underrated as a place for humidity and biting, flying insects. I had always thought of the North as pristine, cool, and dry. I am a geographic know-nothing.

And one more word about nature: I quote Woody Allen seldom — not my cup of tea, usually — but I’ve always loved this: “I am two with nature.” I have borrowed it repeatedly (always footnoting, of course).

But hang on, what is this — a freakin’ diary or a serious political column, in the tradition of Lippmann and Reston (gag twice)? On with something non-personal . . .

‐See you, cool ones.

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