Politics & Policy

Support Your Allies

During an annoying PBS pledge drive, a friend of mine once laughingly asked, “Why would I pay for something I’m getting for free?” He occasionally tuned in for a Masterpiece Theater production but, like many others, he was a taxpayer who objected to subsidizing lots of left-wing programming.

We think we can count on our loyal audience to be willing to pay for something they can enjoy for free.

As my colleagues have reminded us, National Review magazine was an indispensable but lonely voice for decades. The generosity of our readers made all its achievements possible. NRO is equally indispensable but far less lonely. NRO is an essential asset in the increasingly influential alternative media. Conservatives who cheer the end of the MSM’s monopoly can thank NRO by supporting our annoying fundraising drive.

Conservatives believe in individual responsibility, right? A fraction of those who count on NRO to inform and entertain will acknowledge their gratitude by making a donation. The rest of you shouldn’t rely on those people to do the right thing. If you find that mild scolding irritating, you are not yet prepared for the presidency of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Then do something with that healthy fear and write a check to NRO.

Multiple times a day I witness NRO’s influence. Its indispensable, insomniac editor no sooner updates the site, when the latest post pops up in my in-box having been forwarded to personal address books by a Hill aide, activist, or fellow journalist. In the Washington office, I get the phone calls from angry (mostly) or elated Members of Congress in response to NRO’s criticism or praise. They pay close attention to NRO because they know it represents your opinions. You have the clout. That’s worth paying for.

Our authors know that they better clear their calendar when their article appears on NRO because they will spend the day on talk radio. Our audience goes well beyond our keyboard crowd.  That is a reach worth paying for.

NRO offers smart commentary on policy and politics, on books and movies, on the military and the academy, on religion and culture because that’s what our smart audience demands.  The whole enterprise is a reflection of  you.  Narcissists should love NRO and contribute their support.

I know that I find NRO indispensable when I have to engage with Them, and I know that NRO can’t do what it does without your help. Please do what you can to support your allies. We need your help — we’re not PBS.

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