Politics & Policy

Breaking: Traficant Likely to Qualify for Ballot

As of 1 AM Sunday, the Daily Caller reports that Jim Traficant will probably be allowed to challenge his former staffer, incumbent Democrat Tim Ryan:

It appears that former Democratic Rep. Jim Traficant — the Ohio congressman who was expelled from the House in 2002 and served seven years in prison for bribery, racketeering and tax evasion — will likely be allowed to run for his old seat as an independent after a meeting today.

Making it onto the ballot has not been easy for Traficant, whose supporters have been embroiled in a battle with the state over whether he has enough signatures to be listed on the ballot in November. But it appears now — after the Ohio secretary of state intervened last week giving Traficant more time to make his case — that election officials will accept his signatures.

One Ohio news source, Vindy.com, reported Saturday that a Mahoning County Board of Elections member said Traficant would likely be approved at a Monday meeting.

Linda Kovachik, a Traficant supporter, told the paper that, “We’re on the ballot. I’m so excited. I may be crazy, but I’m not lazy.”

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