Politics & Policy

Paranoia from Democratic Ohio Secretary of State Candidate

Judging by this recent fundraising pitch, I assume it’s only a matter of time before Ohio Democrat and Secretary of State candidate Maryellen O’Shaughnessy starts asking for money to combat the insidious influence of the Trilateral Commission:

As your candidate for Ohio Secretary of State, I am committed to finding ways to move the office forward to better serve all Ohioans. This week, a conservative smear group launched a new website to attack me and my campaign. The group is headed by right-wing political operatives and failed politicians whose attacks just don’t carry water.

Help us show this special interest group that we will not let them spread their lies by donating $10 or whatever you can afford so we can spread my message of job creation and trustworthy elections.

The launch of such a site confirms what we already knew: our opponent can raise all the money he wants, but it won’t be enough to hide an ethically questionable career. He is resorting to desperate attempts to attack my service to the working men and women of Ohio.

Please donate $10 or whatever you can afford to make sure voters know my deep rooted history of standing with working families.

I have spent my career serving the people of Columbus and Franklin County, and these attempts to diminish my record are shameful and misleading.  While I was fighting for the working families of Ohio, my opponent was supporting bad trade deals that shipped Ohio jobs overseas.

It is up to us to make sure Ohioans learn the truth about me and my campaign by fighting the smears launched by this group and other conservative special interests.

Thank you for all your support,

Maryellen O’Shaughnessy, Candidate, Ohio Secretary of State

Note how she specifies “conservative special interests” at the end. Guess the unions got nervous.

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