Politics & Policy

Record Turnout for CO Primary in Both Parties, Could Double 2008 Figures

Colorado’s Secretary of State released updated ballot return figures at noon today, with another expected at 3pm MDT:

 *Party/ Ballots Returned Thus Far/ Total Active Voters/ Percent Returned 

Democrats: 298,062/ 817,458/ 36% 

Republicans: 340,788/ 855,667/ 40%

Voters in both parties have now easily exceeded previous record turnout this decade, with 2010 primary percentages expected to roughly double the 2008 primary results, which was around 22%.

Image courtesy of Colorado Secretary of State

For the primary, two-thirds of Colorado’s counties are conducting mail-only balloting, while the remaining third will use traditional polling places or voting centers. Weld and El Paso counties–seen above–may play a significant role in finalizing the outcome, if the races remain close once other counties begin releasing their results after polls close at 7 p.m. and candidates await final precinct voting tallies, including voters who affiliated today to vote in the primary (available in all counties).

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