Politics & Policy

Sestak’s Double-Talk on Fiscal Responsibility

In a rather bizarre interview yesterday, Joe Sestak said that Democrat Party leadership (with whom he votes 97% of the time), has failed to “change politics in Washington, DC.”

Sestak thinks Pennsylvanians “just want to know if you’re trustworthy, and are you going to try to handle the tough problems.”

Also, the obligatory supply-side dig: “I don’t think we can go back to the types of policies that benefit the well-to-do, in a belief that wealth will trickle down.”

Yes, clearly, Joe Sestak gets it. After all, what better way to “handle the tough problems” than to devote one’s time in office to increasing spending (i.e. citizens’ debt obligations)?

On the stimulus, on the auto bailout, on national medical insurance, on cap-and-trade, and on just about every issue that defines the Democrat establishment, Sestak has voted “Yea”.

And most strangely, here is Sestak’s unimaginative plan for addressing the debt problem:

To deal with the national debt and looming Medicare and Social Security insolvencies, Sestak said it is necessary to allow the expiration of lower marginal income tax rates for the wealthy and possibly raise the limit on the Social Security payroll tax.

Tinkering on the fringes, which is what playing with payroll taxes and marginal income-tax rates equates to, does not a solution to trillion-dollar debt levels make.

If this is the best Joe Sestak offer, things will continue to go badly for him.

A simpler solution, in the words of Rick Santelli: “Stop Spending.”

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