Politics & Policy

Sharks, Lasers, Volcanoes and Rick Scott

Bill McCollum supporters on Twitter are asking each other a very simple question: What would you do if you had the millions of dollars Rick Scott has spent on his gubernatorial bid? Why, buy sharks, lasers and a volcano lair, of course!

Using the hashtag #WithRickScottCash, Twitter users can follow along with the action and throw out their own suggestions.

“Cool stuff like this keeps everyone interested,” said Scott Tranter, new media director with the McCollum campaign. “When it’s fun, people participate.”

Here are some selections:

#WithRickScottCash I’d get sharks with friggin’ lasers (of course)

I’d buy Charlie Crist conservative principles #EvenRickScottCashIsNotEnough

And from Tranter himself: #withrickscottcash I would make sure McDonalds hashbrowns were served all day

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