Politics & Policy

The Story in Tweets: Angle’s Relations with Hispanic Media and Reid’s ‘Hispanic’ Remark

Most of the Nevada TV news personalities, nearly all the political print journalists, and many of the campaigns and their staffers are active on Twitter.

This morning our little corner of the Twittersphere is chirping away about the criticisms of Angle’s avoidance of Hispanic media followed by Harry Reid’s “Hispanic” gaffe. Here are some of the best Tweets along with a few amusing hashtags (some Tweeters identified in brackets for context):

[Harry Reid’s campaign spokesperson, ReTweeting journalist Nathan Baca of KLAS-TV] @steelekelly MT @NathanBacaNews: Hispanic media shut-out by #Angle. We ask why. / You of all people know what happens when Q’s get tough! #nvsen #RUUUUUN

[Political journalist] @RalstonFlash Hilarious that Reid campaign is pushing nonstory about Hispanic media being snubbed at Angle newser and station not invited is doing story!

[Former Angle communications director and now deputy campaign manager (corrected from earlier)] @jmgehrke Reid tries to attack Angle on Hispanic issues, makes idiotic statement in the process. http://youtu.be/DLpX9ljKf-4 #nvsen #tcot #doh!

@jmgehrke Reid: How anyone of a Hispanic dialect (when they want to have one) could be a Republican is beyond me. #tcot #nvsen #notquitewhathesaid

@SharronAngle Harry Reid pulls out race card again, whacks himself in the head http://bit.ly/afLylF #nvsen #tcot

@HarryReid Angle attack on Hispanic issues attempts to distract from her refusal to create jobs, ignoring of Hispanic press http://bit.ly/clzfZV #nvsen

[Political journalist] @schwartznews MT@michellemalkin RT@weeklystandard: Reid: “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.” http://snipurl.com/10huv5

@RalstonFlash Someone was saying 2day how Reid hasn’t said anything incendiary in awhile: http://youtu.be/DLpX9ljKf-4 Full piece: http://bit.ly/cUuHKw

@RalstonFlash On same day his campaign is ginning up outrage at Hispanic stations being “snubbed” by Angle, Reid snubs any Hispanic who is GOPer. #irony

[Las Vegas CityLife editor] @SteveSebelius @schwartznews Both, although one explains the other. Not to be Marxist, but Reid should know class is better predictor of party than race.

@reviewjournal Reid courts Hispanics http://bit.ly/ctF19M

@shermfrederick COMPLETE LAS VEGAN: Harry Reid and those stupid Nevada Hispanics http://bit.ly/dz7lVB

@RalstonFlash “Sen. Reid has long enjoyed the support of many Hispanic Republicans in Nevada and he appreciates that support.” #weak

@RalstonFlash Not sure which worse in latest flap: Reid’s usual inartful phrasing, which will offend some, or sudden, sincere GOP/Anglelove 4 Hispanics.

@RalstonFlash RT @politico: Reid doubles down on Hispanic comment http://politi.co/cJ5XRF /Fave part of flap: Reid’s use of Hispanic spox #manymouthpieces

[Political journalist] @AnjeanetteDamon Sandoval campaign refuses to comment on Harry Reid’s Hispanics-shouldn’t-be-Republican gaffe. #nvsen

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