Politics & Policy

Toomey Camp Responds to Sestak’s Debut Attack Ad

Joe Sestak has hit the air with his campaign’s first ad in the general-election season. The ad attacks Pat Toomey’s record on jobs and taxes, and accuses him of being for corporations over citizens.

Toomey is featured in the ad from a 2007 cable interview saying, “I think the solution is to eliminate corporate taxes altogether.”

Nachama Soloveichik, Toomey communications director, responded, telling Battle ‘10 that Sestak took Toomey’s comments “out of context.” Toomey, Soloveichik said, was “trying to explain that consumers ultimately pay for taxes on businesses through higher prices.”

“Pat understands that a zero tax rate on businesses is impractical for a host of reasons, and that’s why he has consistently argued for lowering taxes on businesses to create jobs, and that’s a major difference between Pat and Joe Sestak.”

Sestak has gone on record saying he would have voted for a “$1 trillion dollar” stimulus package, and also supports contentious cap-and-trade legislation, which he says will spur economic growth.

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