Politics & Policy

Exclusive: Democrat Charlie Wilson ‘Tremendously Vulnerable’

Rep. Charlie Wilson, Democrat of OH-6, appears to be running under the impression that he has no opponent — at least, that’s the sense you would get from observing Wilson’s behavior on the trail.

But according to Matt Dole, the communications director for Republican challenger Bill Johnson, Wilson should be developing a bit of wariness.

“Charlie Wilson is tremendously vulnerable,” Dole told Battle ‘10. “Wilson said that the three guiding priorities when he votes are jobs, jobs and jobs. He voted for the stimulus, he voted for TARP, he voted for a budget that included a trillion dollar deficit. And unemployment has nearly doubled since he took office.”

Explaining why readers should take OH-6 seriously as a potential bellwether this election cycle, Dole told Battle ‘10: “First of all, it’s a competitive race. Polls tell us it’s competitive and based on national projections right now, we’re on the cusp of taking the House, but we need to find some more seats, and this is a seat that can be picked up and help put John Boehner over the top.

“In addition, Bill is a strong conservative and he’s right for the district. … He was in the military for 26 years — in the air force for 26 years — he ran his own information technology company for a few years, and now he works for a Fortune 500 company, so he knows how to turn the economy around and do what Charlie Wilson wasn’t able to do.”

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