Politics & Policy

Feingold Stays Negative

In my article on NRO today I discuss Sen. Russ ‘Mr-Clean-Campaign’ Feingold’s foray into mudslinging. Well, he’s at it again with this latest wildly-out-of-context smear against (presumed) GOP nominee Ron Johnson: 

An interesting line of attack for Feingold given the current political climate. If anything, the ad reminds viewers that Johnson actually has experience running a business. Meanwhile, Feingold, who has held political office since 1982, is throwing a fit over a Johnson ad labeling him a ”career politician,” proving that the Wisconsin Democrat can dish it out, but apparently can’t take it. 

**Update** The Johnson campaign issued the following statement in response to Feingold’s ad:

Someone once said that a career politician will never let facts get in the way of their message – Senator Feingold is taking that to heart with his latest attack ad.  Senator Feingold’s ad is chock full of fabrication.  The rail spur was contracted with a predecessor company to Pacur.  Ron had no ownership of that previous company, nor knew of details regarding the spur.  Pacur didn’t even exist.  Senator Feingold’s accusation is just untrue on its face.


Senator Feingold’s ad incorrectly states that Pacur got a government loan.  It did not.  Pacur obtained an Industrial Revenue Bond.  Not one penny of tax payers’ money was lent to Pacur or Ron.  The City of Oshkosh nor any other government entity guaranteed the bond if it was not paid.  The money came from a bank and Pacur used equipment and other assets as collateral.  An IRB is not a government loan and uses no taxpayer money. 

The ad is patently false.


Andrew StilesAndrew Stiles is a political reporter for National Review Online. He previously worked at the Washington Free Beacon, and was an intern at The Hill newspaper. Stiles is a 2009 ...
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