Politics & Policy

Keystone Monday Morning Update

  • Pat Toomey was profiled in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette this weekend in an article highlighting his “just-the-facts, ma’am” attitude amid a political season filled with fear and discontent.

  • Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator, spoke in Washington, D.C., this weekend. Santorum urged for Republicans to remember social issues after election day, saying, “Barack Obama will still be president Nov. 3, 2010.”

  • Bryan Lentz, running against Republican Pat Meehan in a tight race in the 7th district for Joe Sestak’s soon-to-be-open seat, is complaining about a new ad by an independent group that links Lentz with the Pelosi agenda. Lentz was specifically endorsed by President Obama last week.

  • A Bucks County man has announced he’ll donate $1,000 to charity for every new hire a local company makes. The patron launched the project as a way to help jump-start the economy.

  • In unpleasant news for the next governor, Pennsylvania’s insolvent unemployment fund is about to reach the point at which the bill will come due, so to speak. Since 2009, more than $3 billion has been borrowed from the federal government to dole out benefits.

  • In case you missed it: Joe Biden came to Pennsylvania last week to stump for Joe Sestak. Biden praised Sestak for having “more character and integrity than any of the ‘OK’ Democrats he has been campaigning for.” High praise for Sestak, but a low blow to those other candidates.

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