Politics & Policy

Mike Fitzpatrick Hits Airwaves, Touts Economic Plan

Mike Fitzpatrick, surging Republican in Pennsylvania’s Southeastern 8th district, has released his first ad of the general election. Facing Pat Murphy, the Democrat who took his seat in 2006 with fewer than 1,500 votes, Fitzpatrick’s first ad lays out his governing philosophy on jobs and the economy.

Mike wants to get our economy healthy again. Mike’s prescription: stop wasteful spending, balance the budget, [and] no more debt. Mike Fitzpatrick wants big government out of the way so small business can prosper.

A recent internal poll by Fitzpatrick’s opponent has the race in a dead heat, while Fitzpatrick’s own polling has him leading Murphy with a slight edge. This will be a bell weather race.

If Fitzpatrick comes away with a big win on election night, expect that rising tide to lift other Republican boats across the state.

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