Politics & Policy

Nevada Mid-day Round-up

Fifty-five days to the general election and here are some notes of interest from or about Nevada:

  • Aetna told the WSJ the benefits in Obamacare have forced it to seek rate increases for new individual plans of 5.5 percent to 6.8 percent in Nevada beginning September 23. You can bet we’ll be seeing that or a similar statistic in Republican political ads.

  • Representative Dina Titus has been very busy campaigning visiting folks of all walks in her district.

  • EMILY’s list does not like Titus challenger and Republican Joe Heck. The group is going up with television ads to hurt him with women voters. As a state legislator, Heck opposed a bill that would have mandated insurance coverage for the vaccine against human papillomavirus, which is one of the causes of cervical cancer, on the basis that it would drive up costs. EMILY’s version of the story is that Heck, who is also a medical doctor, cannot be trusted with their health care.

  • These five guys are also running for governor in Nevada just in case you don’t like Brian Sandoval or Rory Reid.

  • More good stuff from the recent ABC interview with Harry Reid and now one with Sharron Angle.

  • Harry Reid says there will be “mopping up” to do during the Senate’s lame duck session. But will it be Durbin or Schumer who preside over said mopping if he loses the election?

  • Nate Silver says there is a one-in-four chance the GOP will take the Senate and predicts that Harry Reid will win by half a point.

  • The new Patriot Majority ad stars a lady named “Penny” who got a job at CityCenter and (surprise, surprise) does not like Sharron Angle:


  • And finally, two Nevada elected officials make Politico’s What If list:

What if Dean Heller or Jon Porter had challenged Harry Reid?

A Mason-Dixon poll in August 2009 showed Heller leading Reid by 10 percentage points. Reid’s still in serious peril, but the chief reason he’s not a dead man walking — and that Democrats aren’t currently figuring out how to cut him loose — is that he’s shrewdly exploited the weaknesses of his opponents. Heller or Porter wouldn’t have made that so easy for him.

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