Politics & Policy

Nevada Political Nuggets

  • Ben Smith waxes snarky and files this one under the You Can’t Make It Up tab. Harry Reid has scheduled the DISCLOSE Act vote for Thursday. Among other things, the bill would require donors to reveal their involvement in political campaigns. There are no votes in the Senate today because many senators will be at a high-dollar Obama-hosted New York “House Senate Victory Fund” fundraiser. The likely ample proceeds from the $2,500 to $15,200 per plate event will be split between the DSCC and DCCC. And then, as Smith quips, “It’s back to D.C. to get all that big money out of politics.”

  • A new Fox poll shows Sharron Angle up by one point over Harry Reid, but the survey sample is strange. The crosstabs indicate the sample consisted of 30 percent nonpartisan/independent voters and an equal mix of Republicans and Democrats. That does not reflect the likely ratio on Election Day.

  • Poor Harry Reid. Politico details the Senate majority leader’s recent botched battles including the DREAM Act, DADT, and the stalled defense policy bill. Measures introduced to energize supporters have ended in disappointment. Gay rights groups are upset Reid may have hurt rather than helped progress in repealing DADT. Hispanic groups are unhappy with the no-vote as well. And many Democrats are displeased that the debates distracted from what ought to be the central issue at hand: jobs and the economy. Of course, the official line from Reid’s office is that the Republicans are obstructionists.

  • Remember when Sharron Angle said she was making the rounds on conservative media because she wanted to be free to mention her website so she could raise money? Angle this week told supporters the plan has been “going really well.” Referring back to all the incredulous commentary when she had said she likes to be friends with the media, Angle said it has paid well to be on the air with friendly press. She said she brought in $236,000 the day she told Fox, “Harry Reid needs $25 million. I need a million people to send twenty five dollars to SharronAngle.com.” She raked in a fast $40,000 when she said the same on Hannity and made a mint when she went on with Rush Limbaugh. 

  • Longtime Nevada political journalist Jon Ralston points out the quicksand in which Rory Reid may soon find himself sinking (along with the other Democrats) due to possible unintended consequences of his latest ad campaign against Republican Brian Sandoval. In an attempt to tag Sandoval as a big, bad, bank-loving candidate, Reid refers to legislation his opponent sponsored while in the state assembly. The problem? The 1997 bill was written by one of Reid’s law parters. And a number of Democrats who are still in political office voted for it, including Rep. Dina Titus, who was a state senator at the time, not to mention Assembly Majority Leader Barbara Buckley (D) who may run for governor herself one of these days.

  • The Nevada Democratic Party, aka Harry Reid’s satellite office, is renowned for being a mean, lean. bashing-and-spending machine. But at least one Nevada Democrat does not have big bucks to spend on advertising.

  • The only incumbent Nevada governor to ever lose a primary fell off a horse yesterday. He’s OK. (Update: Actually, it is now being reported that he has a broken hip and will undergo surgery.)

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