Politics & Policy

Ohio Democratic Party Chair: Tea Partiers are ‘F-ers’

Video here. As Joe Biden might say, this is a big f**king deal:

A NEWS9 reporting crew was invited into the union hall in Clarington for the endorsement announcement, and the camera was rolling as Redfern leveled the expletive at critics in the Tea Party, who, in his words, believe health care is a privilege, not a right.

“If your kids are going to graduate from college, now he or she gets health care, your heath care, while he or she looks for a new job,” Redfern said. “It’s in the very base terms we win these arguments. Every time one of these (expletive deleted) says, excuse my language…”

When NEWS9 contacted Redfern for an explanation of his comment, he was under the impression that the endorsement announcement was a private event.

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