Politics & Policy

Ohio Wednesday Roundup

Gubernatorial Campaign

Politifact rates Ted Strickland’s last remaining attack — that John Kasich’s votes in Congress somehow lost Ohio jobs — completely false.

That isn’t stopping the unions from trumpeting the message, though.

Nor is it stopping John Kasich from dominating the polls. A Fox News poll has him up by six points, with Rob Portman up by 13 points.

These numbers scare the living daylights out of education bureaucrats all around Ohio, especially after Kasich decided to come out against Governor Ted Strickland’s wasteful new school spending model.

Senatorial Campaign

The Columbus Dispatch is shocked, shocked to find that successful businessmen don’t want Lee Fisher in the Senate, and are willing to spend large amounts of money to stop that from happening. They also want courts to stop this dastardly exercise of free speech.

And Rob Portman is out with a new ad:


House Races


The DCCC is sinking money into OH-16, trying to keep incumbent John Boccieri from losing. Sensing that it isn’t working, they may have shifted ground to OH-13, where incumbent Betty Sutton faces challenger Tom Ganley, however.


Boccieri’s challenger, Jim Renacci, is also the target of two ads attacking his tax history. Funny how Dems just started caring about that.


Meanwhile, incumbent Marcy Kaptur of OH-9 is caught lying about her challenger Rich Iott’s record in her ads. What a surprise.


But at least she can bring home the bacon!


And in an encouraging turn for Republicans and a dismal one for incumbent Democrat Charlie Wilson, Bill Johnson is now acknowledged as one of the GOP’s promising potential recruits in November.

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