Politics & Policy

Salazar and Markey Join Bennet in Opposition to Obama’s Infrastructure Stimulus

Sen. Michael Bennet expressed his concerns and voiced his opposition to President Barack Obama’s infrastructure spending plan yesterday, saying “I will not support additional spending in a second stimulus package.”

Two more Colorado Democrats facing tough election battles have joined Bennet in rejecting Stimulus II.

Rep. John Salazar joined Bennet in questioning the proposal:

Rep. John Salazar (D-CO) also expressed doubts, saying he is “skeptical of new spending.” Salazar is facing Scott Tipton (R) in CO 03, who also ran in ‘06.

Rep. Betsy Markey (CO-4), facing an even tougher battle against Republican Cory Gardner, echoed Bennet’s comments:

“We haven’t seen any specifics of these proposals, but I don’t support a second stimulus bill. Investments in infrastructure are critical to our long-term economic recovery but should be paid for with unspent funds from the economic recovery act without adding to the federal deficit,” Markey said in a statement.

Markey supports a temporary extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for some middle-income levels, but agrees with Obama in allowing tax cuts for top earners to expire.

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