Politics & Policy

Team Angle Pokes Fun at Reid’s Spin on Unemployment Figures

Communications Director Jarrod Agen, who heads up the press team for Sharron Angle, has exhibited a pretty good sense of humor since coming on board Team Angle last month. From his morning newsletter today:

TODAY’S ANGLE:  9.6  Percent

Friday, September 3

Multiple choice question this morning: 

When told that the national unemployment rate rose to 9.6%, did Harry Reid say…?

a)      “Only 54,000 people lost their jobs this month, which is really good.”

b)      “I have no idea how to fix the economy, but did you hear what Sharron Angle said back in 1972?”

c)      “When the President and I said that unemployment would never pass 8%, we really meant 18%.”

d)     “The way to solve this is throw more tax dollars at the problem and hope it goes away.”

Of course, Reid really did compliment himself and the Democratic administration when “only 36,000 people lost their jobs” this February.

But Battle ‘10 reached out to the Harry Reid campaign to see whether he had any comment about this month’s unemployment numbers. Here is the response from spokesman Jon Summers. Try wrapping your head around the explanation below, which is counterintuitive to say the least:

It’s important to note that the private sector added 67,000 jobs and the increase in the unemployment rate is largely a result of an increase in the number of people who have filed for unemployment benefits as they start looking for jobs again, about 550,000.  However, it’s clear we need to continue working to create jobs.  Unlike Sharron Angle, who calls unemployed workers “spoiled” while telling them it’s not her job to create jobs, Sen. Reid is working everyday to create good-paying Nevada jobs by cutting taxes for businesses and developing Nevada’s clean energy industry.  Meanwhile, Sharron Angle supports policies that ship jobs overseas and out-of-state. [emphasis added]

As we go into Labor Day weekend and look forward to the subsequent two months of campaigning, one thing is certain:  Jobs and the economy will shape the fate of candidates and the legislators they seek to unseat.

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