Politics & Policy

Arlen Specter to Endorse Joe Sestak

Sen. Arlen Specter will appear on Monday, Oct. 11 in Philadelphia to endorse Joe Sestak. Barely removed from his tepid non-endorsement on the tarmac in Philadelphia last month, Specter’s endorsement represents more a necessary formality of politicking than anything that will serve to change Sestak’s lackluster polling deficits.

Specter, after all, changed parties last year to avoid repudiation from a Republican primary electorate, and was then promptly repudiated by a Democrat primary electorate that chose Joe Sestak.

From the Philadelphia Jewish Voice:

Pennsylvania Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey will be joining New York Senator Chuck Schumer in support of Rep. Joe Sestak who is running for Senate against Rep. Pat Toomey. The Senators will appear with Sestak at a reception in downtown Philadelphia Monday, October 11, 2010. Contact the Sestak campaign for more information.

Jewish Senators Schumer and Specter will tout Sestak’s strong support of Israel earning a 100% voting rating from AIPAC during his two terms in Congress, and helping improve Israel’s defense systems during his career in the United States Navy.

This looks like the Voice has copied and pasted a press release from the Sestak campaign. It’s interesting to note that they’re still touting their fantasy “100% voting rating from AIPAC,” the rating which AIPAC’s Josh Block said “couldn’t be true” because they “don’t rate or endorse candidates.”

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