Politics & Policy

Behind Angle’s $14 Mil Haul

Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle’s stunning third-quarter fundraising results — her campaign today reported raising $14 million last cycle — is a historical record for a Nevada candidate, including the well-heeled Harry Reid.

Angle has raised $17.9 million total since she began campaigning last fall and $16.2 million in the general election.

Since winning the Republican primary in June with next to nothing in her campaign coffers, Angle has focused almost exclusively on fundraising. She has routinely asked for donations via her website when doing interviews with the media, and her campaign has waged an ambitious small-donor snail mail and e-mail campaign.

Most of Angle’s fundraising missives ask for as little as $25, and Angle is fond of saying, “Harry Reid has said he will raise $25 million in this race. I need one million people to send $25 to SharronAngle.com.”

The Angle campaign today reported that 94 percent of Angle’s third-quarter donors (158,291 contributors) gave Angle $100 or less, and her average donation for the entire election cycle is $90.

More than 194,000 individuals have donated to Angle’s campaign so far, with no signs of slowing. The online fundraising goal for October is $2 million and the campaign today said it has already collected $875,000.

Reid’s campaign raised $13.8 million from January 2009 to August 2010. Reid has not yet released his third quarter fundraising figures.

Angle’s campaign has not released how much money it has spent so far this quarter.

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