Politics & Policy

Former Nevada Congresswoman Supports Angle in Video Statement

Glowing words today about Sharron Angle from an icon in Nevada GOP politics:


As referenced in the video, former Rep. Barbara Vucanovich was once reluctant to back Angle. During the GOP primary, Vucanovich endorsed Sue Lowden, the former chairwoman of the Republican Party who lost to Angle.


Vucanovich told the Las Vegas Review-Journal in July that her change of heart came after she personally met with Angle at the request of Republican Sen. John Ensign. Vucanovich had expressed concerns about Angle’s position on Social Security, and spoke bluntly about it during the interview:

“I said, ‘Sharron, you’re scaring the bejesus out of everybody,’ ” Vucanovich said, describing their conversation. “I told her you better make damn sure people really understand what you’re trying to do. I think she’s trying to make people understand.”

After the meeting, Vucanovich endorsed Angle and donated the maximum $2,400 to her campaign.


Vucanovich was first woman in Nevada to win federal office when she was elected to the House in 1982. Angle will be the first female U.S. senator from Nevada if she wins.

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