Politics & Policy

Grand Junction, CO Billboard Attacks Obama

Billboard in situ.

An email alerted Battle ‘10 to a new billboard that debuted yesterday in Grand Junction, Colorado:

20′ x 10′ billboard installed today Oct 11, 2010 at Melody Lane (between 28 1/2 & 29, south of Walmart) and I-70 Business loop.

The billboard’s tagline, “Vote DemocRAT–Join the game,” is littered with every conceivable meme that has been leveled at President Barack Obama as four iterations of the President–as Muslim/Terrorist, Nazi/Fascist and gangster, Communist/open borders supporter, and a supporter of gay rights–play cards, ostensibly “gamble” with the Statue of Liberty, a figure of blindfolded Justice, the Holy Bible, an American soldier, Uncle Sam, and a bald eagle. As they play, grinning vultures bearing the labels “$oro$” and a blue U.N. helmet look on, while several rats lurk from below, variously labeled “trial lawyer,” “IRS,” “EPA,” and “FED.”

The billboard itself lacks the shoulder badges emblazoned with the Muslim crescent and star, the swastika, and the hammer-and-sickle that appear to either have been part of the original picture, or were added later.

The billboard’s only attribution is to a Gmail account, and a website listing the artist as Paul Snover:

Let me tell you a little about myself

I have been a freelance journalist stringer, graphic designer, cartoonist and salesman for the Western Slope WATCHDOG regional newspaper. Freelance cartoonist and graphic designer for various organizations. B.A. Degree in Fine Art. Graduated Magna Cum Laude; Alpha Chi; placed in the 1990 Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. Six years U.S. Navy, Vietnam era.

An automated response email was sent to Battle ‘10:

Thank you for contacting Paul Snover and The Lower Valley Liberator Newsletter. Paul will respond to your e-mail very soon. Remember, we are a Constitutional Republic, One Nation Under God, and we stand for Freedom with Equal Justice for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS.

Thank You

Charles Ashby of the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel confirms this billboard is real.

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