Politics & Policy

Keystone Thursday Afternoon Update

  • Vice President Joe Biden will be making yet another trip to Pennsylvania this weekend to stump for an embattled Democrat. This time, Biden is campaigning with Chris Carney, who faces a still re-election challenge from scandal-prone Tom Marino in the 10th district, which covers northeastern Pennsylvania.

  • Kathy Dahlkemper is taking issue with a radio advertisement being run by Americans United for Life that attacks her for signing healthcare reform legislation that the group contends will expand taxpayer provided abortions. Dahlkemper says the ad is misleading and false. She faces an insurgent Mike Kelly in the northwestern 3rd district.

  • Former Senator Rick Santorum has launched a political action committee in Iowa that is widely seen as a step toward testing the waters for a 2012 presidential run. Battle ‘10 spoke with Mr. Santorum last week about his expectations and predictions for Pennsylvania on Election Day.

  • A new candidate is launching a write-in bid for governor, and is centering her campaign on opposition to drilling in the Marcellus Shale formation that covers much of the state and could provide as many as 80,000 jobs in a state where 600,000 have been left unemployed as a result of the Great Recession. 

  • ‘Glee’ star Matthew Morrison is coming to Pittsburgh to campaign for Democrat Dan Onorato. The effort is an attempt to energize the youth vote in an election where opponent Tom Corbett leads by a comfortable margin in practically every poll.

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