Politics & Policy

O’Donnell: ‘God is the Reason I’m Running’

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network set to air tomorrow, Republican senate candidate Christine O’Donnell talked about her faith, how the media treats conservative women, and how she feels now about all those TV appearances in the 90’s.  

“God is the reason that I’m running. If I didn’t believe that there were a cause greater than myself worth fighting for … I would not be running,” O’Donnell said, mentioning how an uptick in the polls had occurred on the same day some supporters had held a prayer meeting.

“God will give you what you want,” she later added, “but He will create those desires in you so that you have a passion to do what He is calling you to. So through this whole campaign that’s what I pray: God, you gave me this desire. You gave me this desire of my heart to serve the people of Delaware to go in there and be your voice in Congress. Help me here!” O’Donnell said laughingly.

O’Donnell argued that the media had “a double standard” for men and women in politics. “There’s no doubt that they wouldn’t say the things they’re saying about me, they wouldn’t do the things that they’re doing if I weren’t a woman,” she said, mentioning that she thought conservative women were particularly hard-hit.

And she acknowledged that her past statements on TV shows had not been the most politically savvy. “In the 90’s I looked at all the TV opportunities as a ministry opportunity, as an opportunity to share my new found faith with a television audience that otherwise would not be watching when I would go on Politically Incorrect,” she told CBN. “If I were planning to run for office in 10-15 years I would have been much more guarded, not that I regret anything I’ve said but because I’m a vocal person I state my opinion when I think that something’s wrong or right.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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