Politics & Policy

Palin, NY Post Endorse McMahon

Sarah Palin recently dubbed Linda McMahon a “Mama Grizzly” on Sean Hannity’s show. MyLeftNutmeg calls Palin’s endorsement “the kiss of death.”

Today, the New York Post gives McMahon a thumbs-up:

She is running on a ticket of fiscal conservatism, combined with socially moderate positions. While not a Tea Party candidate per se, she clearly has tapped into the voter anger and frustration that has fueled the movement. . . .

Apart from his Vietnam lies, though, Blumenthal, if elected, would be another vote for the economically catastrophic Democratic explosion of big government that has led to a current-year deficit of $1.3 trillion — and unemployment holding steady at nearly 10 percent. 

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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