Politics & Policy

Sandoval Ad Zings Rory for Missed County Commission Votes

Brian Sandoval is up by double digits in the Nevada governor’s race, but he seems to be taking no chances with this new ad taking a swipe at his Democratic opponent Rory Reid for missing some Clark County Commisssion votes:


An e-mail from Sandoval’s campaign, headlined “Skipping his day job,” attacked Reid for being absent from a total of 140 votes over a span of 19 months. 

“Clark County taxpayers probably aren’t going to be too happy to realize they are essentially paying him to run for Governor,” Sandoval spokeswoman Mary-Sarah Kinner said in the e-mail. “Clearly, Rory Reid believes it’s more important to campaign for a new job than do his current job.”

However, Reid missed only one Clark County County Commission during the time in question. Other votes missed occurred at meetings he attended but may have have had to leave for a time, as commission meetings often last for four hours or more. 

More than 3,400 agenda items were considered and voted on over the course of the 19 months in question. In only one of the votes would Reid’s vote have made a difference in the ultimate decision.

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