Politics & Policy

Ted Strickland Being Sued

This little lawsuit may help John Kasich.

Jon Keeling of Third Base Politics has the details and a damning quote from the complaint (linked above):

This is an action under the Ohio Corrupt Activities Act and Ohio Constitution to prohibit the pattern of corrupt activity and policies, calculated to commandeer the Ohio School Facilities Commission and local school districts for the benefit of various labor unions’ financial interests and certain elected officials’ re-election efforts, that are articulated below. This action is brought to prevent this pattern and these policies from further improperly influencing the use of taxpayer funds in construction contracting for Ohio’s public school buildings.

Ouch. I await an explanation from the governor’s cheerleaders.

In any case, Ohio appears to be through being indecisive about Ted Strickland — the Governor is now down 8 points according to a Columbus Dispatch poll and. Here are highlights from the news from the poll.

Republican John Kasich holds an 8-point lead over Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland in a new Ohio Poll released today.

Kasich is up 51 percent to 43 percent, with 6 percent undecided or voting for someone else.

That doubles the Republican’s lead over the 4-point margin of the Ohio Newspaper Organization poll, which is conducted by the same institute that does the Ohio Poll, in mid-September.[…]

That factor is shown by the fact that Strickland trails by 8 even though he is winning among independent voters by 1 point. He and Kasich are virtually even in attracting members of their own party.

“As we head into the final weeks of the campaign, efforts will shift toward getting voters to the polls (both early and on Election Day),” the pollsters said. “The quality and intensity of these get-out-the-vote efforts by Democratic and Republican campaigns will go a long way toward determining whether the final electorate resembles this mid-October snapshot of likely voters.”

Two other bad signs for Strickland: Kasich leads by 3 points among women, who have been reliable Democratic voters in recent elections, and by 2 points in heavily Democratic northeast Ohio.

This is the first Ohio Poll since May, when Strickland led by 5 and Fisher by 1.

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