Politics & Policy

Anuzis Opens Playbook for RNC

Minutes after Reince Priebus’s 14-day action plan hit inboxes, Saul Anuzis’s “Playbook” hit Twitter. In it, Anuzis makes several pledges similar to Priebus’s: tighter budgets (“the days of VIP jet-setting are over”) and greater fundraising (“rebuild the historically successful donor clubs like Team 100, the Regents and the Eagles”). Anuzis promises to spend 70 percent of his time asking for donations.

Anuzis’s playbook, however, focuses on the ground game in more detail than Priebus’s action plan does. He wants to make Voter Vault — the party’s online database of registered voters — easier to access via mobile devices, and he hopes to open more “Victory Centers” — offices for campaign staffers — than ever before. The former chairman of the Michigan Republican party also plans to expand the national party’s 72-hour Get Out The Vote program to a 30-day effort — to capitalize on states that offer extended absentee voting.

At the end of his playbook, Anuzis gives a tease: He outlines his goals for the GOP’s use of social media and writes,“I’ll be releasing a more detailed plan shortly.”

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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