Politics & Policy

Police Redeploying Tomorrow

The past two days — with the exception of Mubarak’s appointments of a prime minister and VP — haven’t been quite as exciting as Friday was. But things could pick up again today (starting around midnight our time, which is 7 am in Cairo). According to several sources, the Egyptian police — who have been less friendly with protesters than the military — are redeploying tomorrow. Stratfor reports

Egypt’s internal security forces are reportedly redeploying across the country Jan. 30 after abandoning the streets the previous day in a demonstration, showing what chaos would ensue should they be undermined by the military. As the protests show early signs of dwindling, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Interior Minister Habib al-Adly, who have negotiated a stay in power so far, are likely betting that the protesters, who thus far have been unable to coalesce into a unified group, will clear the streets under pressure. However, serious potential for clashes remain, especially considering hostilities between the army and the police and between the police and protesters. The coming hours will thus tell whether Mubarak’s bet on the opposition was a wise one.

Matthew Shaffer — Mr. Shaffer is a former William F. Buckley Fellow of the National Review Institute.
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