Politics & Policy

Bachmann Nears 2012 Decision

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s decision about a presidential run isn’t impacted by Mike Huckabee’s decision to stay out of the GOP primary fray this time around.

Instead, a Bachmann aide tells National Review Online that it’s a matter of the time needed to pull together the logistics and “mechanical things” necessary to mount a presidential campaign. That kind of groundwork is something her team has been looking at long before Saturday night, when Huckabee made his announcement.

Bachmann told Fox News today that she may be “moving up” an announcement of a presidential bid. Bachmann has said previously the announcement would not be later than June.

“Our phones have been ringing off the hook, our Facebook has been lit up, our donations are pouring in and people are saying, ‘Michele, jump in, we want you to run,’” Bachmann said.

Asked if Bachmann was concerned about fundraising after Mitt Romney’s $10.25 million haul yesterday, the aide said “Not at all.”

Bachmann, who founded the Tea Party caucus in the House, would position herself as an outsider, the non-establishment candidate in a field full of GOP stalwarts backed by party establishment.  When it comes to candidates like Herman Cain, who has never served in elected office and is running on his business record and tea party principles, Bachmann will rely on relentless campaigning.

“It’s just going to come down who works the ground the hardest,” the aide said.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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