Politics & Policy

Huntsman Advisor Blasts Romney, Pawlenty

Last week, Jon Huntsman’s campaign announced that he wouldn’t be attacking opponents by name while on the trail.

“He’s not one to tear anyone down by name, whether that person is Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Gov. Mitt Romney or President Barack Obama,” Huntsman communication director Matt David told Politico.

Apparently, that policy applies just to Huntsman, not to his campaign staff.

John Weaver, a top advisor to Jon Huntsman and a former John McCain advisor, has some harsh words to say about the GOP primary field.

“There’s a simple reason our party is nowhere near being a national governing party. No one wants to be around a bunch of cranks,” Weaver told Esquire.

Speaking of Mitt Romney, Weaver asked, “What version are we on now? Mitt 5.0? 6.0?”

Weaver called Pawlenty a “nice guy” and said that “and there’s nothing worse than seeing a nice guy pretend that he’s angry.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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