Politics & Policy

Huntsman Says He’d Never Donate to Reid

Today the Las Vegas Sun reported that members of the Huntsman family, although not Huntsman himself, donated about $25,000 to Harry Reid in the past decade.

“I’ve never donated a dime to @HarryReid and wouldn’t,” Huntsman tweeted today. “My record in Utah balancing budgets very different from his.”

Yesterday, Harry Reid said he would “would favor Huntsman over Romney” if he voted in the GOP primary.

Speaking of Romney, Reid said, “Here’s a man that doesn’t know who he is. He was for gay marriage when he was governor, now he’s against it. He was for abortion when he was governor, now he’s against it. He was — oh, health care – we modeled our bill to a large degree on what he did in Massachusetts, and now he’s trying to run from that. If somebody doesn’t know who they are they shouldn’t be president of the United States.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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