Politics & Policy

Romney Quiet on Debt Talks

In tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal, Jonathan Weisman notes that Mitt Romney has been mum on the debt talks lately. Yes, he signed Sen. Jim DeMint’s “Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge.” But unlike his competitors, he’s had little to say about the ongoing negotiations. And his rivals are taking notice:

“The current debate is about what kind of leadership you’re going to show,” former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum said in an interview Monday. “If you’re running for president, you’ve got to show how you would handle a situation like this.”

“The debt ceiling is a gut-check time for all Republicans on spending and size of government,” said Alex Conant, spokesman for former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. “Apparently, Gov. Romney is still checking his gut to figure out where he should stand.”

Read more here.

Brian Bolduc is a former editorial associate for National Review Online.
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