Politics & Policy

Fundraising Woes in Huntsman Campaign?

From National Journal’s Chris Frates:

Jim McCray, the Republican presidential candidate’s national finance consultant, has been sidelined and replaced after a disagreement with senior campaign advisor John Weaver over how much the campaign is spending – a move that has set off a shakeup inside the campaign’s fundraising team, according to a source familiar with the situation.

Replacing McCray will be Ann Herberger, who used to work for Tim Pawlenty. The Huntsman campaign says that McCray will remain involved:

“Jim McCray is still part of our campaign,” Miller said in a statement to National Journal. “He and John Weaver are friends who have worked several campaigns together.” …

The source said that Weaver and McCray both joined Huntsman’s campaign early, and butted heads over the campaign budget. Weaver demanded that the fundraising team raise more money, while McCray called for campaign strategists to set a budget more in line with the campaign’s revenues — hampered by Huntsman’s low standing in the polls. The former Utah governor has been stuck in the single digits nationally.

Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports that McCray may have left the campaign entirely, and that money issues had continued to dog the campaign, with Huntsman himself donating $500,000 recently.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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