Politics & Policy

Cain Praised Greenspan in Book

Herman Cain’s praise of Alan Greenspan in Tuesday night’s debate took many by surprise, but the Daily Caller’s Alex Pappas catches that Cain also praised Greenspan in his new book This is Herman Cain!:


In his recently released book, Cain — who served as chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve from 1995-1996 — wrote that Greenspan “was a very effective leader who did not make unilateral decisions.”

“Chairman Greenspan was a very amiable, soft-spoken, at times brilliant guy,” Cain wrote. “He would sit patiently and listen to all the reports; hear everybody; and then come to his insightful conclusion about what we needed to do.”

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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