Politics & Policy

Cain Tops GOP Field in New Poll

Herman Cain tops the GOP field, according to a new national poll by Democratic firm Public Policy Polling.

Cain received 30 percent support among GOP primary voters, placing him 8 points ahead of Mitt Romney (22 percent). Newt Gingrich is in third place (15 percent), followed by Rick Perry (14 percent), Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann (5 percent), Jon Huntsman (2 percent), and Rick Santorum (1 percent). Six percent of voters are undecided or prefer a candidate not listed.

Sixty-seven percent of voters who named a candidate they were supporting said they might end up supporting a different candidate ultimately, suggesting that the field remains very fluid. If the race was between Romney and Perry, Romney would win 48 percent to 38 percent. Between Romney and Cain, Cain wins, 48 percent to 36 percent. Between Cain and Perry, Cain again wins, 55 percent to 27 percent. Cain also has the lowest “too liberal” numbers among the trio: 6 percent see Cain as too liberal versus 17 percent perceiving Perry that way and 31 percent seeing Romney that way.

Katrina TrinkoKatrina Trinko is a political reporter for National Review. Trinko is also a member of USA TODAY’S Board of Contributors, and her work has been published in various media outlets ...
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