Politics & Policy

Harry Reid: Take Up the Keep Your Health Plan Act!

This legislation deserves a hearing in the Senate.

We’re not surprised that President Obama and the Democrats lied. We are surprised that they think they can get away with it and Americans won’t notice.

The president and his allies have endlessly said, “If you like your plan, you can keep it,” and they have dismissed those who warned it would be otherwise as naysayers and liars. Well, things look a little different now as Obamacare takes effect, as millions of people who liked their health-care plans lose those health-care plans.

Yet with the House’s bipartisan Keep Your Health Plan Act now headed to the Senate, Harry Reid thinks he can do what he’s done with most of the House’s most important legislation: ignore it.

When conservatives think of this foolishness in the context of the upcoming 2014 midterm elections, they may want to send Senator Reid a thank-you note. But the Keep Your Health Plan Act at least deserves a hearing in the Senate. By signing the petition below, you can urge Harry Reid and his fellow senators to go on record about where they stand on the pledge that if you like your health plan, you can keep it. 

The following petition and its signatures will be delivered to:

Senator Harry Reid

522 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510


Dear Senator Reid,

We urge you to take up the Keep Your Health Plan Act in the Senate, so that Americans can know just where their representatives in Washington stand on this important issue. As citizens of this country, we were promised: “If you like your plan, you can keep it.” And now we want to know if our U.S. senators will stand by this pledge.

Please take up the Keep Your Health Plan Act in the Senate. The American public deserves transparency on this issue. 


[Your name]

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