Politics & Policy

Bras Are Now Racist Because They Come in ‘Nude’

The safest picture we could find for this story. (Dreamstime)
A college-paper editorial board declares bras and Band-Aids an example of white privilege.

The editorial board of a college newspaper has declared that bras are racist because they come in colors named “nude,” since non-white people’s skin isn’t that color when they’re nude.

“How would it make you feel that the fashion industry and society at large has based its ideal of nude on Caucasian people? That the color of your skin doesn’t count as ‘nude’?” asks the staff editorial, published by the Oklahoma Daily, the official newspaper of the University of Oklahoma.

The board used the same reasoning to conclude that that “nude” makeup, “flesh-colored” clothing, and Band-Aids were also racist.

The piece referred to the bra color name as one of the “subtle examples of racism” — often referred to as a “microaggression” — that apparently runs rampant in our society today.

The board apparently intended to use the piece as a way to encourage Americans to fight against this injustice.

“We encourage all of our readers to think critically about the small instances of racial bias they encounter each and every day,” the editorial said.

— Katherine Timpf is a reporter at National Review Online.


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