Politics & Policy

A Note to Readers

Welcome to NR’s new and improved website.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our redesign. It is a rule of the Internet that most people initially hate redesigns, and we know it will take some getting used to. But we believe it looks better, works better, and is going to enhance your experience of the site.

It all should be fairly intuitive and what you don’t get you should figure out with a little clicking around. But a couple of notes:

The boxes outlined in white over the top “hero image,” as they call it in the business, take you to different sections of the home page. So, for instance, when you click “Photo Essays,” you go down to the section with the slideshows. “The Latest” takes you back to the top of the page where the newest material is posted.

The words in white on the black background at the very top of the page will take you off the homepage. If you click “authors,” for example, you go to a drop screen where you can search our author archives. Or if you click “blogs,” you go to the list of our blogs (which have been pared down, by the way), and can click through to an individual blog (there is also a blog section on the homepage).

No matter where you are, if you want to get back to the homepage, you can click the “National Review” at the top center of the page.

We have also added infinite scroll, which means when you are reading an article and reach the end, another, related article will appear at the bottom of that article. Or if you are reading a Jonah Goldberg column you have clicked through from Jonah’s author page, you will be served a never-ending scroll of Jonah’s work for your reading pleasure.

It is easier to share material from the site on social media, and you can sync your social media log-ins with your NR log-in, so once you are logged in to, say, Facebook, you will be logged in here.

The search function has been enhanced and you can search by author, topic, or keyword.

We don’t pretend that the new design is perfect. We have already identified things we want to change in a subsequent tune-up. And we want to hear from you about what you like and don’t like, so we can adjust accordingly. Thanks as always for your interest and devotion, and we look forward to standing athwart together, on this new site.

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