Politics & Policy

Secretary Clinton Forced Resignation of U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Over His Use of Private Email

The Federalist reports:

Although Hillary Clinton and her allies may be claiming that her private e-mail system is no big deal, Hillary’s State Department actually forced the 2012 resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya in part for setting up an unsanctioned private e-mail system. According to a 2012 report from the State Department’s inspector general, former U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration set up a private e-mail system for his office in 2011.

Actually, it is one of the intriguing aspects of Secretary Clinton’s tenure that the Obama administration never filled the position of inspector general during that time. But a report on Ambassador Gration’s misconduct was issued by the IG’s office, signed by a deputy. As The Federalist recounts, it was scathing and concluded:

Gration violated State Department policy by using a private, unsanctioned e-mail service for official business. In its executive summary listing its key judgments against the U.S. ambassador to Kenya who served under Hillary Clinton, the inspector general stated that Gration’s decision to willfully violate departmental information security policies highlighted Gration’s “reluctance to accept clear-cut U.S. Government decisions.” The report claimed that this reluctance to obey governmental security policies was the former ambassador’s “greatest weakness.”

The Federalist’s full report is here.

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