Politics & Policy

Paul Ryan: Of Course Hillary Seems Fake — She Has 15 Consultants Telling Her What to Say!

(Pete Marovich)

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan joked about Hillary Clinton’s stiffness on the campaign trail, as he advised potential contenders to defy “consultants” who want them to be “risk averse.”

“I just watch Hillary Clinton and I can just tell there’s all this gear-turning in her head, thinking, and it’s funny because she had 15 people telling her in the van on the way to the event, ‘don’t do this, don’t say that,’” Ryan said during a discussion at the National Review Institute Ideas Summit in Washington D.C.

RELATED: More coverage of the NRI Ideas Summit

“Just be yourself and tell people who you are, what you believe, and what you’re going to do, and, you know, risk losing as a result of that,” he continued. “It will be a heck of a lot more fun and I think people will much more appreciate the sincerity.”

Ryan said that candidates tend to “worry about being too risk averse” because of the advice they get from political consultants. “To be a really good candidate, in my opinion, you’ve got to be willing to lose the race.”

It’s a comment that seemed to echoe a statement from Jeb Bush, who famously said that a candidate must be willing to “lose the primary to win the general.”

— Joel Gehrke is a political reporter for National Review.

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