
Rachel Dolezal Demanded Boycott of a Movie Because White Actors Played African Roles

She sounds just a tad hypocritical in a past radio interview.

In a past radio interview on the Spokane Station KYRS, fake-black white person Rachel Dolezal insisted that people must boycott the movie Exodus: Gods and Kings  because it featured white actors playing African roles.

In response to a complaint from the show’s host, Taylor Weech, that the film featured “white, European actors playing North African historical figures, like they were in the ’30s and ’40s,” Dolezal said:

“Hopefully nobody goes to that film. We need to boycott that film, from my perspective, because it’s miseducation, it’s misrepresentation, it’s highly offensive to the people that actually were living during that time and also to people today.”

“It’s robbing and shredding ancestry and history. . . . It’s really disturbing that this is something that’s still perpetrated,” she continued.

Now, one might say that spending years presenting yourself as a black woman when you’re actually a white woman might also qualify as “misrepresentation” and even “disturbing”  – but, if Dolezal’s totally unapologetic NAACP resignation statement is any indication, she just does not seem to think her own rules apply to her.

— Katherine Timpf is a reporter for National Review Online.  

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