Politics & Policy

Op-Ed Compares Drunk Kid’s Attempt to Get Mac and Cheese to Attempted Rape

And if you laughed at the video, you're part of the problem.

According to a piece in the Hartford Courant, it is totally wrong of you to laugh at that now-infamous viral video of the drunk UConn college student demanding mac and cheese — because it’s kind of like a drunk college student demanding sex without consent.

“Did you laugh at the UConn student demanding his favorite jalapeno-flavored drunk food?” Holly Wonneberger asks in a piece titled “Why UConn Mac And Cheese Attack Isn’t Funny.”

“Did you think the belligerent, slurring and entitled kid was funny?” she continues. “If you did, let me tell you why you’re wrong.”

Wonneberger, a former UConn student, maintains that the “belligerent entitlement” displayed by Drunk Mac and Cheese Kid “is something that [she], and most (if not all) of [her] friends, dealt with regularly while being there.” She insists the video is not only “not amusing” but actually “terrifying.” Yes — “terrifying” and “horrifying” are among the words she uses to describe it.  

#share#After all, she explains, this dude demanding mac and cheese is clearly representative of a campus culture where dudes similarly demand sex:

Some people may think this is funny because it’s a drunken kid demanding snack food.

Imagine this outburst wasn’t just about mac and cheese.

Imagine all of the circumstances in this scenario, but instead, someone is demanding a phone number, sex or repeated non-consensual contact. (For the record, I experienced these demands during my time at UConn). Imagine an unrelenting, entitled and privileged perpetrator. Imagine if, even when if others are present, no one intervenes.

So . . . are you still laughing?

I gotta say, I sure am — not only at Drunk Mac and Cheese Kid, but now at Wonneberger, too.

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