Politics & Policy

The Top Five Worst Speeches at the Women’s March on Washington

Madonna performs at the Women’s March, January 21, 2017. (Reuters photo: Shannon Stapleton)
The celebrity-studded protest featured an odd mix of social-justice causes.

The women’s march on Washington on Saturday garnered a great deal of media attention, but the speeches that were given do not seem likely to persuade those who are not true-blue progressives. The march featured celebrity polemics worthy of Occupy Wall Street.

We present below a list of those that made the worst points, in ascending order.

No. 5 America Ferrera

Actress America Ferrera kicked things off around 10 a.m. with a speech making the case that she and the assembled protesters constituted the real America:

“The president is not America,” she said. “His Cabinet is not America. Congress is not America. We are America. And we are here to stay.”

While no one claims that the president, his Cabinet, and Congress are in fact, “America,” the president and the Congress (which includes many progressives presumably more congenial to Ferrera’s world view) are duly elected officials, chosen in accordance with our constitutional system. In that sense, they do represent “America” — in the only way that counts in our democratic republic. Ferrera’s claim to speak for the majority is especially rich given that the women’s march peddled an array of far-left causes that most Americans do not support, from government-funded abortion to increased mass immigration to the cause of Palestinians against Israel.  

No. 4: Madonna

This speech described the 2016 election in near-apocalyptic terms:

Our refusal as women to accept this new age of tyranny, where not just women are in danger but all marginalized people, where being uniquely different might truly be considered a crime. It took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the f*** up. [cheers].

Her attempt to offend by saying “f*** you” to the haters felt contrived:

It is worth a watch for anyone interested in activism that verges on surrealist comedy, and the conclusion is especially exhilarating and perplexing:

Our pussies ain’t for grabbin’. They are for reminding you that our walls are stronger than America’s ever will be — our pussies are for our pleasure, they are for birthing new generations of filthy, vulgar, nasty, proud — Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, you name it — for new generations for nasty women — so if you, a nasty woman or you love one who is, let me her you say, “Hell, yeah! Hell, yeah! Hell, yeah!”

This march may have owed its large numbers to opposition to Donald Trump, but it is clear that its organizers and speakers pushed an agenda far beyond opposition to any of the policies or even personal flaws of the new president. It was a ramped-up dose of far-left protest politics that used “womanhood” as a pretext to call for everything from a redefinition of the American constitutional order to resistance to capitalism.

Paul Crookston was a fellow at National Review from 2016 to 2017. He’s now a classical Christian schoolteacher in northern Virginia.
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