NR Insider

Crush the Weak

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‘Crush the Weak” read the legend on a debate-society T-shirt worn by my college roommate. I was taken aback. Such cruelty! Such arrogance!  But then I smiled. Crushing the weak is important, indeed vital. Weak thinking needs to be exposed. Weak arguments need to be corrected. Human progress is achieved by discarding, indeed crushing, failing ideas.

Ingesting the day’s headlines and the liberal spin on them via the news media, you often probably find yourself thinking, “Hang on, THAT can’t be right.” But do you have time to delve into the details and locate the defective assumption or flawed reasoning? Not necessarily. That’s where National Review comes in. With a glance at our website any morning or lunch time, you can find out what my brilliant colleagues David French and Kevin D. Williamson and Andrew C. McCarthy have to offer about the latest leftist balderdash. They’ll give you the succinct, elegant arguments you need to crush weak liberal claims. Often they can knock out an entire misguided line of thinking with a single sentence. And when you need a break from the hard news, there’s plenty of cultural coverage on our site as well. I consider it my duty as critic-at-large to trawl through arts and entertainment events not only to keep you posted on what’s worth your time but also to alert you to the latest disguised left-wing propaganda offensive. I told you how, for instance, the latest Jennifer Lawrence movie is a savage satirical attack on the Bible. I was among the first to tell you that a Shakespeare play and a horror TV show had taken obsessive turns into Donald Trump–bashing.

All of this costs money, of course, but here’s the secret: It doesn’t cost much money. I’ve spent most of my career working for multi-billion-dollar corporations (Time Warner, News Corp.), but things are run completely differently here. There is no waste. Everything is run on a shoestring. Shortly after I started at NR in April, I wandered into the kitchen to discover a piece of tape on a cabinet that read, “First Aid.” Opening the cabinet, I found half a bottle of aspirin and a couple of Band-Aids.

Your donation might be just crumbs on top of a mountain at a well-funded museum or university but here it actually matters. Our current drive aims merely to scrape together $85,000 to help expand our popular podcasting operation, which allows you to revel in the insights of some of our finest writers while you’re driving to work or exercising. We’re not asking you to dig deep. Dig shallow! Even 25 bucks is meaningful to us, and you can pitch in with your credit card here or use PayPal here. Help us continue to crush the weak arguments, in print, online, and in podcasts.

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