National Review

Help Fund the Work That Keeps NRO Humming

If you like the vital conservative news and opinion you read here every day, please consider donating to support the editors who make it possible.

National Review’s spring webathon happens to mark a personal milestone for me this year: I first came to NR ten years ago, in the Spring of 2008. Back then, William F. Buckley’s recent passing loomed large, Barack Obama hadn’t yet been elected president, and Twitter was still a new thing.

A lot has changed in the country since then, and a lot has changed around here. NR has grown and adapted to meet the demands of the times, and we’ve got big plans for the future. But our mission and core principles remain the same — and we still rely on your donations to support our efforts. Luckily, we’ve been blessed with an incredibly loyal readership: Year after year, you step up to help keep us going.

Our goal for this fundraiser is to raise $210,000. The money will pay for the inevitable cost-overrun of our recent website redesign (which we hope you like!) among other things. (Jack Fowler lays out all the details of our plan here.) But since money is fungible, I’d like to make a plea for you to support the less visible work that we do as well: We often say that while National Review’s web content is free to consume, it’s far from free to produce. That’s because there’s a lot going on behind the scenes to make it all happen, and while we accomplish a great deal with a small and incredibly hard-working crew, it still takes several editors and web producers working together to turn each draft into the published product you see.

We think that work is important, because we respect our readers enough to know that they value well-edited, well-curated writing, and we’re not willing to sacrifice quality in the pursuit of quantity. So, if you learn from and value what you find here, please consider supporting all your favorite writers — and the people who labor behind the scenes to bring their work to you — with whatever you can afford to donate. We’re truly grateful for any amount, and appreciate your sticking with us.

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