NR Webathon

Evidence-Based Thinking: Like It? If So, Please Chip In!  

At NR, we don’t throw tantrums, or dox or kick our ideological opponents. We prefer reason and facts.  

If it hadn’t been obvious enough already, the Left wants to destroy us. That’s why we’re asking for your aid via our Fall Webathon. We need allies in this battle, which is getter hotter by the month.

Among the Democrats and their public-relations wing in the media, there is no distinction between the so-called Deplorables and the moderates, no distinction between Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, and Donald Trump. We are all equally vile to them. The smearing of George W. Bush appointee Brett Kavanaugh — an establishment pick through and through — as a member of a gang-rape outfit is merely the most salient example of the Left’s all-out war on us and everything we stand for. If they can’t win an argument on the merits, and they know they usually can’t, they’ll play dirty.

“I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life,” a Stephen Colbert writer tweeted the other day, in one of those moments when the mask slipped. Another such recent moment: Eric Holder’s gleeful claim, greeted with applause: “When they go low, we kick them.”

You know, as we do, that the fight about Kavanaugh was about constitutionalist jurisprudence. By prevailing on liberal and moderate judges to advance the progressive cause by judicial fiat, the Left — that angry blob consisting of everyone from Nancy Pelosi to late-night comedy writers — has scored victory after victory it couldn’t win at the ballot box.

National Review treated the Kavanaugh battle the way we treat everything: with sober, trenchant, plain-spoken analysis of the facts. In a garbage-tornado of lies, distortions, and unsubstantiated allegations, we pointed the way to ancient principles of due process and evidence-based thinking. We prevailed.

But maybe not next time.

Our subscription and advertising sales cover only a small portion of our budget. We’re not a business; we’re a cause. Moreover, most of our resources come from small donors. We need your help to keep fighting, to keep reasoning, to keep truth viable in a media marketplace in which the Left enjoys near-hegemony. We don’t do clickbait. We don’t do cheap shots. We don’t “own the libs,” we simply demonstrate why our arguments are sounder. We are the grown-ups in any debate. With your help, we can keep it up. Won’t you please donate here?

Your generous contribution supports the journalism, commentary, and opinion-writing published in National Review magazine and on National Review Online. Please note that your contribution, while vitally important, is not tax deductible. Please make your contribution here. Those who prefer can also contribute via PayPal here. If you prefer to send a check, mail it to: National Review, ATTN: Fall 2018 Webathon, 19 West 44th Street, Suite 1701, New York, NY 10036.

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