NRI’s 2019 Ideas Summit: Making the Case for the American Experiment

Kevin Williamson at the National Review Institute’s 2017 Ideas Summit
Join us in D.C. March 28 and 29.

This Republic of ours not being something we take for granted, or whose principles are so universally held that they lack any need for restating, National Review Institute’s 2019 Ideas Summit will engage in a most important undertaking: making “The Case for The American Experiment.”

Since the early 1990s, at first National Review, and now NRI, has gathered leading conservatives — business leaders, policy makers, writers, officials, lawmakers, academics — to join with our supporters for a powerful few days of assessing the movement, gauging its strengths and weaknesses (cultural and political), and forging a way ahead to improve the prospects of liberty in the face of a relentless assault by leftists, multicultural fanatics, and social-justice warriors — and their allies in legislative chambers and the cubbyholes of bureaucracies.

The gatherings — Ideas Summits — are smart, intense, fruitful, and invigorating. And there’s occasional laughter.

This year’s NRI Ideas Summit will be held March 28 and 29 in Washington, D.C. (at the Mandarin Oriental). We are encouraging all NR readers, subscribers, NRPLUS members, and supporters of the institute and its exceptional programs and fellows to attend.

The theme of this year’s summit is necessitated in part by the many emerging politicians, academics, and social critics who would most adamantly not make the case for the noble experiment undertaken by our Founding Fathers.

NRI, together with its conservative friends, is determined to restate and forcefully make, once again, that vital American case, and to do such in the face of the growing, loud, bereft multicultural and elite forces that are obsessed with a relentless determination to condemn America’s principles and its very foundation.

NRI summits are always “works in progress” — right up that moment the registration desk opens for business. So while there . . . more to come (and we’ll be updating as the more . . . comes), here’s who we have confirmed to participate so far:

Tammy Bruce, James L. Buckley, Matthew Continetti, Charles C. W. Cooke, Lee Edwards, Neal Freeman, David French, Jonah Goldberg, Kevin Hassett, Larry Kudlow, Leonard Leo, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Richard Lowry, Andrew C. McCarthy, Jay Nordlinger, John O’Sullivan, Ramesh Ponnuru, Reihan Salam, Luke Thompson, Kevin D. Williamson, John Yoo

And we expect many more big names to participate (and we do mean big).

There will also be a special event: Scheduled for the evening of Thursday, March 28, is NRI’s Whittaker Chambers Award Dinner. Named after the great writer, early National Review essayist, and author of Witness, considered America’s most famed intellectual foe of the organized Communist threat, the Chambers Award will go to a conservative who has exhibited a consequential “profile in courage.”

Space is limited. You will find information on how to register, which we hope you will do now, right here. Get complete information here.

Jack Fowler is a contributing editor at National Review and a senior philanthropy consultant at American Philanthropic.
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